it’s all happening up there…

A lovely repair

A lovely repair

Great day up at the club. I took Zuni and the kayak and Jane was there with 3 kids who had improvised another kayak out of a surf board. The 4 of them had high adventure and and fun for a couple of hours on the water before they stopped for cake. There was also a chap making a sterling effort of learning to windsurf – something I’m plan to have a go at but today I stuck to sailing.

After 30 minutes of pottering around Andrew organised a race. Great fun and I’d improved. The second race saw the two best laps I’ve probably ever done (after a tip I’d got from Andrew about rounding the top buoy and aiming above the next one). At the end of the second lap I was thinking if I could do a third lap of the same quality as the first two that I might not lose this race by as much as I normally do. I rounded the buoy to start the third and final lap and found myself in a kind of slow motion capsize. I was out of the boat, onto the dagger board and was just thinking I might be back in and off again without losing too much ground. Andrew and then Charles both sailed passed me with ease. Then I drifted around the wrong side of the next buoy and had to turn back and put in another tak. I was now about three quarters of a lap behind. I finished though! And got some more experience and had a fine day.

A heart warming post script

In an earlier post I mentioned the prusik loop I was using to secure my kicking strap to my boom because I’d snapped the bracket off. In a facebook post I asked if anyone might lend me a rivet gun and four rivets to fix it. Before I went to the club today I received a message from an old friend I’ve not seen for years telling me that he had a spare rivet gun and rivets and had left them for me under the steps at the club.

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